The flow.ubc.ca cytometry facility was established over twenty years ago and has been growing each year. From a single cell sorter and cell analyser and have expanded to six high end cell sorters and seven analysers, all equipped with multiple laser and detectors to accommodate the variety of work performed at UBC.

The main focus of the facility is to support the research needs of the UBC and wider community. We do this by providing a very flexible sorting service to accommodate the diverse needs, whilst also spending a considerable amount of time training up new students and supporting current projects with technical support.
“If you have ever used the facility, you will appreciate that you are only left alone once you know what you are doing”

We are located across the U.B.C. campus at three locations:
The Biomedical Research Centre (2222 Health Sciences Mall, UBC, V6T 1Z3) and the Life Science Centre (2350 Health Sciences Mall, UBC, V6T 1Z3)