Feel free to contact us with any question or suggestions.
General Enquiries: andrew.johnson@ubc.ca

Andy Johnson
ubcFLOW Facility Manager
Hotline: (604) 783-0204
Lab Phone: (604) 822-0437
E-mail: andrew.johnson@ubc.ca
Background:I have been working in flow cytometry for 25 years. My first experience was during my time at Liverpool University (Medical Cell Biology BSc. Hons) during my final year thesis. This started my career with a move into clinical training with the Blood Transfusion Service, London UK; followed by Leeds, UK as a Clinical Scientist. I completed a MSc in Transfusion Medicine from the Research School of Medicine, Leeds, UK. This was followed by a few years working for the biotechnology industry at Cambridge Antibody Technology, UK. From here I moved to the Medical Research Council, Cambridge, UK to run the MRC flow cytometry facility.I started at the University of British Columbia in 2001 and have the seen the facility grow considerably over the years as more people are trained in the technology and apply it to their research.My goal is introduce more people to the application of flow cytometry, through training an dproviding specialised support for all the research needs.
2014 Recipient of the Presidents Service Award: Global Citizen

Justin Wong
Assistant Manager
Lab Phone: (604) 822-0437
E-mail: justin.k.wong (at) ubc.ca
I graduated UVic in 2007 with a B.Sc in Biochemistry. Soon after graduating, I worked in different labs at UBC gaining more experience in Immunology prior to my role in the UBCflow Facility. I have over 11 years of flow cytometry experience working on different instruments and platforms.

Fabio Rossi: UBCflow Scientific Director
Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Medical Genetics. Email: fabio@brc.ubc.ca
Visit: http://brc.ubc.ca/research/stem-cell-technology-f-rossi/
Research Interests:: Adult tissue specific stem cells play a critical role in replacing lost tissue, they do not act in isolation and multiple other cell types modulate their function. This ensures that the rebuilding of functional, stromal, vascular and other tissue components is coordinated and follows a temporal and spatial organization compatible with function. Our goal is to identify and characterize these “accessory” cells types as a starting point to understand how they regulate tissue specific stem cells as well as each other, and how such regulation goes awry in pathological situations. In particular, we have focused our attention on the role of innate immune cells and stromal progenitors. In this context our lab works on three research directions, cellular systems in muscle regeneration, microglia/macrophages in CNS pathology and epigenetic control of lineage choice/differentiation.

Dr Josef Penninger
LSI Director
Dr. Josef Penninger is a Canada 150 Chair in Functional Genetics and the Director of the Life Sciences Institute at the University of British Columbia, since December 2018. Prior to this, from 2002-2018, he was the Scientific and Founding Director of IMBA, the Institute for Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, in Vienna, Austria. From 1994-2002, he worked as a lead researcher at the Amgen Research Institute in Toronto, affiliated with the University of Toronto and the Ontario Cancer Research Center.